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ECD Partnerships and Community Engagement



The battle for children's rights is not an easy one. It includes interventions at national and state levels and dialogue with a range of decision and opinion makers. We build alliances with academic institutions, women's organisations and other citizens’ groups, and work with communities, to build pressure from the ground up. MC’s advocacy is to ensure policy change, effective legislations and improved services by way of quality, coverage, budgets and institutions for the young child.





Focus Areas and Action Taken

Networking with rights based networks, NGOs, academia, legal experts and individuals on the concept and content of a ‘justiciable right’

Right to ECD




Prioritizing ECD 

Persistent dialogue with government agencies to give teeth to ECD policy declarations through legal, programmatic and institutional structures

Working with local communities, especially women's groups, around the issue of unpaid care work and universal access maternity support and childcare

Maternity Entitlements 

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